Providers of education and training must apply for accreditation with an Education and Training Quality Assurance (ETQA) body under the

South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). All providers of education and training offering full qualifications must be registered with the Department of Education.
The education and training provider has to offer unit standards and/or qualifications that fall within the primary focus area of the ETQA body of the relevant Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) or professional body.
Requirements for accreditation:
The document Criteria and Guidelines for Providers sets out the requirements for accreditation.
- The programmes (and/or assessments) offered by the education and training provider must culminate in unit standards and/or qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
- The curriculum (design, content and learning materials) is aligned to the unit standards and/or qualifications.
- There are suitably qualified staff (facilitators and registered assessors).
- The learners have access to adequate learning support services.
- The assessment methods and tools used to measure the requirements for the unit standard and/or qualification are fair, valid and reliable, and are used to enhance learning.
Accreditation is the act of granting credit or recognition, especially to an educational institution that maintains suitable standards.
Accreditation is necessary to any person or institution in education that needs to prove that they meet a general standard of quality
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