Microsoft Excel Formula Bar
The Formula Bar is an essential or fundamental part of Microsoft Excel and shows what is in a cell, values (numbers), text […]
Zoom Security. Keep your Video Conferencing Safe
Zoom is taking more steps to improve the security of its video conferencing app, after facing massive criticism about the lack of […]
How to Use Zoom – Getting Started
Do you know how to use Zoom? Many people have used Skype or FaceTime or Google Hangouts before so the switch to […]
Excel Number Format
Excel number formats can seem quite scary. This topic will help you better understand the way Excel number formatting works. You will […]
8 Tips for being a Great Trainer
Great trainers are warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. As a trainer you must be a subject matter expert and be able to […]
Microsoft Office: Options
Microsoft Office suite apps (programs) Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access and more; all have Options Settings. The options in any of these […]
Copy an Excel Spreadsheet
There are many reasons for copying an Excel spreadsheet, whatever your flavour let’s take a look at the Excel options for achieving […]
Number Formating
The Number formatting feature in Microsoft Excel can be a great boon for data entry, making it very easy to enter multiple […]
Microsoft Scam, Cyber Criminals
Microsoft is often hard hit by scams, ransomeware cyberattacks and the like. Microsoft on an ongoing basis releases critical security updates to […]